NEW Student Enrollment

Welcome to Gisler Elementary School!

We are thrilled to be a part of your child's educational journey. Our dedicated staff is committed to offering students a high-quality learning experience that addresses both their academic and social-emotional needs.

Online Enrollment Information

  • Online enrollment for new students for the 2024-25 school year is now open.
  • Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year will begin on Friday, February 21, 2025 at noon.

Before Enrolling Your Child:
  1. Verify the appropriate grade level using the Grade Placement Chart. Per state requirements, students must enroll in the grade corresponding to their age.
  2. Use the map of FVSD Boundaries to identify your homeschool.
  3. Select the correct school when enrolling your child.
  4. Understand the immunizations required for school entry by checking the Parents' Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry.
Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten 2025-2026 School Year:
  • Transitional Kindergarten (TK): The child must turn 4 by September 1, 2025.
  • Kindergarten: The child must turn 5 by September 1, 2025.

New Student Enrollment Process

Please complete each step below:
Step 1
Fill out the Aeries Online Enrollment Confirmation (This is Packet #1):
      • Once completed, PRINT the confirmation document (single-sided only).
      • Note: Aeries is incompatible with mobile devices. Please use a computer, laptop, or Chromebook.
Step 2
Complete the New Student Online Enrollment documents (This is Packet #2):
Step 3
Provide copies of the following required documents:
      • Two (2) proof-of-residence documents (accepted documents)
      • Student's immunization record (Must be complete to comply with California law in order to attend school).
      • Documentation of student's age (birth certificate)
      • Parent photo ID (Driver's license or passport).
      • Copy of most recent State Testing Results (SBAC).
      • Verification of GATE status (if applicable).
      • Most recent report card.
      • Any special program documentation (IEP or 504 Plan, if applicable).
Step 4
After completing Packet #1 & #2 and collecting the required documents, you can bring everything to the Gisler Office from 9:00am to 2:00pm. These times avoid busy pick-up and drop-off times. You can also email them at [email protected] 
If you have any additional questions about enrollment, please email the Gisler Office at [email protected] or call 714-378-4210.